Don't masturbate, hire real girl

Masturbation may be an easy way to enjoy, sometimes it may be even a good thing, but it is not something that you should do on a regular basis. There are many people, especially doctors and people who come from spiritual backgrounds telling you that Masturbation is not good for your dick, you lose a lot of energy and strength when you cum, and regular masturbation is like cumming for no reason. Some people would masturbate 6-10 times a day, which is highly unhealthy.
I know Masturbation becomes a habit, just like smoking, and all habits are tough to quit. What you can do is give yourself a higher thing to achieve like I will not Masturbate for 6-days but on the 7th day I will hire an escort girl and enjoy real sex with her, this way not only you will be saving a lot of cum and energy of yours, you will also get better at sex and with women.
Think long term.